3rd Event - 7th December 204
A very well-structured program for the EDYOUMARATHON, with a good mix of webinars, live-streaming sessions, plenaries, and flex & Stretch sessions. All are introduced by fabulous presenters.
Free Registration
The Programme
09:00 (GMT): Start
09:20 (GMT): Greetings from Express Publishing
09:45 (GMT): Webinar 1 – Rob Howard
11:00 (GMT): Webinar 2 – Dr. Charlie Browne
12:30 (GMT): Live Steaming from Japan
13:00 (GMT): Live Steaming from the UK
13:15 (GMT): Webinar 3 – Tatschi Tanto de Carvalho
14:30 (GMT): Webinar 4 – George Kokolas
15:50 (GMT): Live Steaming from Ireland
16:10 (GMT): EdYOUFest News
16:30 (GMT): Webinar 5 – Ania Kolbuszewska
17:45 (GMT): Live Steaming from Malta
18:15 (GMT): Webinar 6 – Dorothy Zemach
19:45 (GMT): Live Streaming from Morocco
20:00 (GMT): Closing Remarks and Event Wrap-Up
21:00 (GMT): Finish